NYC special inspections
As of 2013, New York City requires all construction to be inspected by a registered NYC Special Inspector to verify construction is in compliance with DOB approved plans. Inspectors must be hired by the building owner, rather than the contractor, and must be a registered with the DOB as a NYC Special Inspector.
Becker Engineering PC is a Class I NYC Special Inspection Agency that providing inspections to all five Boroughs of New York City. As an engineering firm, our team completes every inspection with a high level of expertise, giving you peace of mind your project is in the best of hands. Our fast turnaround and flexible scheduling will ensure your project remains on schedule. We provide a variety of inspections for residential and commercial buildings. Prices for inspections vary by the size and scope of each project. Please contact us to discuss your inspection needs.
The NYC Special Inspections BEPC performs are as follows:
- Structural Steel – Welding
- Structural Steel – Details
- Structural Steel – High Strength Bolting
- Structural Cold-Formed Steel
- Concrete – Cast-in-Place
- Concrete – Precast
- Masonry
- Wood – Installation of Metal-Plate-Connected Trusses
- Wood – Installation of Prefabricated I-Joists
- Subgrade Inspection
- Subsurface Investigations (Borings/Test Pits)
- Deep Foundation Elements
- Helical Piles
- Vertical Masonry Foundation Elements
- Wall Panels, Curtain Walls, and Veneers
- Sprayed Fire-Resistant Materials
- Smoke Control Systems
- Mechanical Systems
- Fuel-Oil Storage and Fuel-Oil Piping Systems
- Structural Stability – Existing Buildings
- Excavations – Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing
- Underpinning
- Mechanical Demolition
- Private On-Site Storm Water Drainage Disposal Systems, and Detention Facilities Installation
- Sprinkler Systems
- Standpipe Systems
- Heating Systems
- Chimneys
- Flood Zone Compliance
- Fire-Resistant Penetration and Joints
- Luminous Egress Path Markings
- Emergency and Standby Power Systems (Generators)
- Post-Installed Anchors